+86 0755-89302056
Building 6, Jingneng science and technology environmental protection industrial park, No. 3, Baolong Second Road, Longgang District
Application of laser welding technology in battery manufacturing
Application of laser welding technology in battery manufacturing
Comparison of welding methods, which are the main places of battery welding. Familiar with the process of laser welding batteries
Modern batteries are a new kind of clean energy and are attractive places for researchers around the world. This is a type of battery that powers electric vehicles, trains, electric bicycles, and golf carts. These batteries are used in various industries and have become a part of people's lives.
Batteries are mainly composed of anode material, cathode material (carbon material), separator, electrolyte, battery shell, etc. As the main component of new electric vehicles, batteries determine their key characteristics. Laser welding is one of the manufacturing processes that combines raw materials into battery cells and batteries, and plays a very important role in the entire manufacturing process.
Tel:+86 0755-89302056
+86 0755-85200585
Address:Building 6, Jingneng science and technology environmental protection industrial park, No.3, Baolong Second Road, Longgang District. Shenzhen.China