+86 0755-89302056
Building 6, Jingneng science and technology environmental protection industrial park, No. 3, Baolong Second Road, Longgang District
Copyright ? Shenzhen Xinhua Peng Laser Equipment Co, Ltd All rights reserved.
laser cutting
EV Battery Pack
aser cutting
Laser cutting is a non-contact process that uses lasers to cut industrial materials to obtain high-quality, dimensionally precise cuts. The process is performed by directing the laser beam from the coaxial gas nozzle to the workpiece.
The combination of heat and pressure produces a cutting effect. Lasers can be used to cut different materials with different thicknesses, while AMADA WELDTECH focuses on cutting very fine and thin metal applications.
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Tel:+86 0755-89302056
+86 0755-85200585
Address:Building 6, Jingneng science and technology environmental protection industrial park, No.3, Baolong Second Road, Longgang District. Shenzhen.China